Morning Thoughts

  Waking on April 26th to a light blanket of snow, winter hanging on like the relationship that just will not end, has me thinking of supremacy and how absolutely dangerous that mindset is. You see, so many non-indigenous people are baffled, confused, or intrigued by indigenous ways. They want to understand smudging and sweat […]

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The Journey MUST Continue …

  And the journey continues … Yesterday, a reminder of just how much work must be done BEFORE talks of reconciliation can happen. Healing must take place, so that old wounds do not infect new relationships. Stereotypes must be shattered so that trust is possible in new relationships. The judgement, the tendency to look down […]

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Those Doing the Work

  Today, I give thanks, for the work … For some, it could be depressing to see just how many entities reach out in a given week, just how many see racism ripping their organizations or businesses apart. But each incident, each email, is yet another group that has taken the blinders off, another group […]

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The Walls of Internalized Oppression

  Internalized Oppression … so widespread yet an unknown to most, unidentified by even those who deal with it, preventing so much advancement as those that suffer are blamed for the suffering. A story to explain … In the small town I come from, a summer carnival was held each July 1st. The carnival included […]

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