Don’t Be a Bulldozer!

  Don’t be a bulldozer. (It really is that simple.) That is my thought this morning, as I appreciate all the amazing men and women, indigenous and non, healing and learning, doing all they can to move this country and our conversations forward … only to be pushed back by the “bulldozers”. To clarify, bulldozers […]

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Verbal Polysporin

  Today’s scenario has happened to me way too many times in the past, but no more … (IBPOC please take note as it happens to us more than I care to count). The scenario – A new acquaintance/friend/date is rude to you and/or passive aggressive. Personal attacks are suddenly part of conversations originally scheduled […]

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Steps on the PATH

  I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling at the thought of two more groups taking steps on their reconciliation journey. First, St. Clair College as it supports indigenous women studying there to remember, embrace, and enjoy their inherent strength, an endurance and resolve carried deep inside their blood memory. […]

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But I Don’t Understand!

  “But I don’t understand what the issue is! I have no issue with indigenous people! I treat everyone the same.” Some variation of that statement has been shared with me in countless sessions, always by a non-indigenous person, usually by a male, always as their attempt to dismiss the idea that there IS anti-indigenous […]

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