A Winter of Oppression

  I see … hope. Because without it, there is nothing but darkness. Acquiescence – a natural human reaction to oppression. It is often an overwhelming feeling of “Why bother, things will never change” but they have my friend, they have. But it is easy for me to say that, for I had my Mom […]

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If It Resonated …

  Good Morning All! I hope you are well. I hope you are safe. I hope you are as thrilled to be here in this email with me as I am thrilled to be here with you. Today, I want to reference the poem I shared yesterday. Even if you are not indigenous, there is […]

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The Woman …

  You don’t see her. You see … A cashier A bank teller A teacher An officer A cook A supervisor A millworker. You don’t see The weight she carries The catcalls she ignored The bodies pushed against her “accidentally” The condescension The mansplaining The never-ending advice The jokes All the damn jokes. But we […]

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It’s ALL Puzzle Pieces …

  Yesterday, acts of reconciliation happened. Not between indigenous and non (that is only part of the work, after all) but rather, in a much more personal and powerful way. Yesterday, I watched as a group of beautiful women came to terms with their pasts, with our collective pasts, with Canada’s past, as they strived […]

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