It’s ALL Puzzle Pieces …

Yesterday, acts of reconciliation happened. Not between indigenous and non (that is only part of the work, after all) but rather, in a much more personal and powerful way.

Yesterday, I watched as a group of beautiful women came to terms with their pasts, with our collective pasts, with Canada’s past, as they strived to understand themselves more. Yesterday, chains were broken, old patterns were recognized, new truths were discovered.

Reconciliation, in small little ways, began to happen.

I smile as the image comes clear before me – a reconciliation puzzle and yesterday, another piece was added. Today, other people may choose to learn, to act, to grow, to change, to adopt a new perspective or they may not. But the puzzle will slowly come together each time they do.

So this is me, doing my part because unfortunately, I can’t add all the pieces. I can only encourage others to do the work so they can add theirs.

One person, one conversation, one realization, one act at a time, the puzzle comes together as the new makeup of Canada is slowly revealed.

What it will look like is anyone’s guess but I happen to think it will be glorious, simply because all the pieces will fit together for the first time – none shunned, none discarded, none ignored, none pushed to the margins. Each will choose when they believe, when they are safe and comfortable enough to join the puzzle, but in time, each will come.

And until then, we have work to do. We have a puzzle to put together, after all. A perfect activity for the weekend to come.

The journey continues …

I love you!