Employment & Training Upgrade – Part One

  Earlier this week, I identified how healing must come before worrying about the skill set of an Indigenous person. But what if they happened … together. What if every skill upgrade initiative for Indigenous people also included: – A module on internalized oppression (and why they are going to feel like they cannot and […]

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The Answer

  It happened innocently enough. I was getting ready for bed and for some reason, as I closed my eyes, I did the math. The answer – thirteen years. My eyes flew open! In a mere thirteen years, I will be SEVENTY YEARS OLD. Now, I will admit, I am still young enough at 57 […]

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Before the Skills

  Last week, I identified a “missing piece” to the reconciliation journey, namely the fact that before Indigenous people can truly begin to heal, they must be removed from the line of fire. Today, I want to highlight yet another misstep in the current reconciliation journey. Namely, the PUSH to upgrade Indigenous skills, supposedly to […]

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The First Response

  Imagine for a moment a war zone or the scene of an accident. First responders on the scene are going to do one thing before they start treating the injured, and that one thing is what has been missing from reconciliation efforts (for the most part) to date. Before triage, victims are moved OUT […]

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