The First Response
Imagine for a moment a war zone or the scene of an accident.
First responders on the scene are going to do one thing before they start treating the injured, and that one thing is what has been missing from reconciliation efforts (for the most part) to date.
Before triage, victims are moved OUT OF HARM’S WAY.
But is that happening in Canada? Are there conscious, deliberate plans being enacted to make city streets safer for Indigenous women, men, and youth? Are there conscious efforts with clearly defined response protocols to ensure racial slurs are not endured in hospitals, bank line-ups, stores, and/or restaurants? And if not, why not?
The answer is – because it is easier to help the victim then it is to stop the perpetrator.
The problem – no one heals if we do not first stop the harm.
A thought to ponder as you go about your weekend. How safe is your home? What would I endure if I joined your family for a meal? Would the arrows (if any) be aimed at me, or at another marginalized group, establishing just as clearly that this space isn’t safe?
And do you still expect me to just “take it in stride”?
Truth be told, if your partner is a racist or homophobic or sexist or whatever you wish to list … you are not an ally or at least, not yet, and your home is not safe.
The journey continues …
I love you!