Step 5 – You Are AWESOME!

  You are AWESOME. Did you know that? Do you doubt that? Let me show you why AWESOME should be your answer every time someone asks you how you are. Let’s talk about it!  

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Step 4 – The Puzzle Pieces We DON’T Choose

  Going out there and finding the support and mentors you need is awesome but we are talking about life here. Some of our most valuable puzzle pieces come from out of nowhere but that doesn’t diminish their value in the least. Let’s talk about it!  

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Step 3 – Puzzle Pieces

  You have heard me mention them before. I am talking about PUZZLE PIECES. But in this video I go in-depth into my Mom’s teachings surrounding them and why you might want to carry a puzzle piece in your wallet or change purse. Let’s talk about it!  

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Step 2 – Base Teachings

  Let’s continue our journey through the video course that is “A Day That Changed Everything”. Today, I am sharing my base teachings handed to me from my parents. And, I help you develop your own. Enjoy!  

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