Why the Bridges Burn …

  There are so many reasons why Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships are challenging but this is the one I see must often, the most common reason (in my humble opinion) as to why the bridges burn. Let’s talk about it!  

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Honouring Our Quiet Elders

  The way mainstream disregards the elders and the youth, for that matter, makes no sense to the Anishinaabe. Watch and learn how we see the life stages. Let’s talk about it!  

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SHUTDOWN the Danger Cats!

  This is a call out to every non-Indigenous person who wants to PROVE they care about the pain inflicted on Indigenous peoples in the past and in modern day. If you care, then do your part. JOIN ME in shutting DOWN the Danger Cats!  

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Rules for Non-Indigenous in this Space

  I support both sides of reconciliation – Indigenous and non but this is Indigenous-centered space and that comes with some rules. In this video, I have a suggestion for non-Indigenous fans, friends, and followers. Let’s talk about it.  

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