I Save White People

  Some people misinterpret what I do for a living, assuming I am busy saving Indigenous people and they could NOT be more wrong. Let me explain. In other words, let’s talk about it!  

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Was the Official Apology an Authentic Apology?

  On June 11, 2008, then Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered the Official Apology to the survivors of Residential Indian Schools. Do you remember what it said and does that apology meet the definition of an authentic (and therefore, effective) apology? Let’s talk about it!  

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So MANY UPDATES, Revelations & a Question

  I AM HOME!! (Officially admitting it now) and I have SO MUCH TO SHARE about my trip (and the resulting revelations), about changes to my business operations and even a change to my video production that I need your opinion on so … Let’s talk about it!  

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