THE 2 Best Gifts I Have Ever Received!

  Having children is a gift in itself, having the honour and the privilege to watch a human grow and be part of that growth. But when they grow up, you start to receive gifts on days like Mother’s Day and the blessing grows even greater. In honour of Mother’s Day, I thought I would […]

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Revelation Video & Our 4 Sacred Medicines

  I do Reaction Videos when I see or hear something I just have to share with you AND I do Revelation Videos when I gain clarity on something. In other words, when my wisdom grows. That is what happened to me on the weekend and it involved one of our sacred medicines. Let’s talk […]

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I Save White People

  Some people misinterpret what I do for a living, assuming I am busy saving Indigenous people and they could NOT be more wrong. Let me explain. In other words, let’s talk about it!  

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