Who Are We?

This morning as I prepare to head out to work with not one but two First Nation communities, I cannot help but think …

For the non-indigenous on my list, who do you see when you see us? Do you see a human? Do you see our ancestors and children? Do you see a multi-faceted human being, as multi-dimensional as you or your partner or do you see … stereotype, different, challenged or cherished in some unrealistic, imagined way?

And for the indigenous on my list, who do you see when you gaze into the mirror? Do you see your trials but not your triumphs? Do you raise your head high for having survived or hang it low because you struggled? Do you stand proud of your heritage or did you buy the shame that so many try to hand us?

This morning, I thought I would provide some more info to help you understand who you are seeing when you gaze at my picture or read my words.

Perhaps you can challenge yourself to do same. For each person you encounter today, imagine all they are, even if just for a moment. Imagine all they have overcome. Imagine the wisdom they carry. Imagine all they could do or be, if only we stopped placing them in such confining, little boxes.

The journey continues …

I love you!


I am ..

My Mother’s daughter
My Father’s “little lump of sugar”
“Princess” to my eldest brother.
“Sister” to the others.

I am the granddaughter
Of Perrine and Thomas
Who made Couchiching their home
Before I took a breath.

I am Mom to an angel
A cherished daughter & a son.
Gramma to a prince
And a Scottish maiden, so young.

I am an acquaintance to many
Friend to many more.
Confidant to those in trouble
A shoulder to those who cry.

I am my ancestors
And my descendants.
A link in the chain
A chapter in a yet unfinished story.

This I remember
Alone or in a crowd.
For thanks to so many
I do know exactly who and why I am.