Not sure where to start?  Confused about this GIGANTIC ISSUE that is Canadian Reconciliation?  Don’t worry!  We have your back.

Check out the list below to find out where you should go next.

I am interested in:

Indigenous Awareness & Education

For general information of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples residing within Canadian borders, we suggest heading over to There the information menu will assist you to find the information you need, things like how many First Nations communities exist in Canada, how many are in your province, how many treaties are there (and what areas do they cover), and so much more.

Indigenous Engagement & Diversity

If you are interested in increasing your Indigenous Engagement, it is imperative to understand just how diverse the First Nations communities and cultures are.  You need not be an expert in them all, but knowing if the people you are engagement with are Haudenosaunee or Anishinaabe is important.  For information on the nations in your area, check out  For information on how to improve your engagement with your local nation, schedule an “Indigenous Engagement Training Session” for your staff or sign up to take the Indigenous Engagement Virtual Training Course on your own.

Indigenous Inclusion

Inclusion of Indigenous people is so much more than just inviting them to join your meeting or organization.  The things that should be considered are outlined in the book “The PATH” available on this website.  If you prefer a more engagement approach, schedule either an interactive Zoom training session on Indigenous inclusion or schedule a consulting session to get the answers you need.

Indigenous Retention

Many organizations and businesses now understand the importance of having a diverse workforce but those same entities have discovered it is far more difficult to retain Indigenous employees than it is to hire them.  Canadian history has created multifaceted challenges when it comes to empowering and truly creating safe and comfortable places for Indigenous employees to not only survive but thrive.  And considering Indigenous peoples are known as some of the most loyal consumers/colleagues in Canada, the effort is so worth it.  Schedule an interactive Zoom session on Indigenous Retention or schedule a consulting session to get the answers you need.

Indigenous Customer Relations

Here at Reconciliation Works Canada, we receive many calls and requests from businesses or non-profit entities who have received negative feedback from Indigenous groups or individuals as it relates to their customer service. We want your business or non-profit to be successful and we can help you identify issues within your marketing or customer service strategy that are actually working against you. And of course, we will provide you with viable answers that you can use to UP your customer service game!  Schedule an interactive Zoom session on Indigenous Customer Service or schedule a consulting session to get the answers you need.

Understanding Canadian Reconciliation

No one has the time to read through endless volumes of text to understand what Canadian Reconciliation is or why we need it which is why the owner of Reconciliation Works Canada, Sandi Boucheer, wrote “The PATH“.  This easy-read book (can be read in one day) will become a go-to resource for you and your staff.  Purchase the book or take the interactive virtual training course that INCLUDES the book.  The choice is yours but we are here to assist you to get just what you need.

Understanding the new National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (September 30th)

Do you close your office?  Should you?  Is there training you should be taking or providing?  So many questions. Schedule an interactive Zoom session to discuss the new National Day for Truth & Reconciliation as a team or schedule a consulting session to get the answers you need.

Other ...

Do you have a question that you can’t seem to find the answers to? Send us an email. We are happy to assist you by directing you to the resources you need.