Today’s Choice

Those on my email list are consuming the next step of the 52 Steps to Reconciliation this morning. Those in my Mentorship Group are enjoying an inspirational and thought-provoking video. The followers of Reconciliation Works Canada (my company designed to support non-indigenous business owners) are enjoying their monthly newsletter.

But what of you, my friend? What will you consume to start this day, this week, this month and more importantly, will it serve you?

Some will consume social media posts. Some will be informed or inspired by what they read. Others will be troubled.

Choose carefully.

Others will inhale world news. Some will be informed or inspired by what they read. Others will be troubled.

Choose carefully.

But in every case, there is choice. You choose the tools you will take into this day, the education, the information. You choose what will help you or dare to entertain that which can harm you.

But it’s all a choice and today, my friend, I pray you choose wisely.

Largely because …

I love you!