The Way Things Could Have Been …

The land of dreams – always such an inviting place to me. This is where I escaped to when my world was too violent, too ugly, too out-of-control for me to handle.

In the land of dreams, I dance with loved ones past, live in future years, and listen as a whole manner of teachers present me with answers. And sometimes, I see what should have been. Last night, I was offered the latter.

My ex-husband and I walked together last night, not in the charade that was our marriage, but rather in the way it could have been. We respected. We communicated. We dreamed together. We planned.

It was nice to see him in this new light. I pray this is what he now knows, for “us” is not where either of us were meant to land.

But I am awake now and soon enough, it will be daylight. It is time to work to create homelands more in line with what they could have been, if past relationships had been respectful, communicative, and collaboratively planned.

The journey continues …

I love you!