The Journey Continues …

Each day in Canada, we see examples. There are those open to learning, those who want to be proud of Canada again, those who want Canada to be inclusive of and respectful of the Indigenous peoples whose ancestors lived on these great lands long before Canada was a thought.

And then there are those who don’t want to identify as settler descendant, those who claim Indigenous heritage thanks to an ancestor four, five, or six generations ago. It is easier after all, then being part of all that was done.

There are Indigenous denied their heritage, scooped as children and taken away, yet they have always known they belonged … somewhere. And those places they belong, they look for their lost children, anxiously awaiting the day they get to welcome them home.

And then, there are those who want us to go back. They liked the exclusivity of Canada. They liked the segregation. They liked preferential treatment for the settlers and do not want that to change. They don’t want to hear about boil water advisories or really anything that involves caring about anyone else other than those who look and think just like them. They are loud, doing their best to keep stereotypes alive.

Yes, the journey continues. My prediction – it will get louder. Fear invokes loud reactions. Many fear being left out.

And as an Indigenous person, I can tell .you being left out can be scary. It can be very disconcerting to feel unheard. We know. But rest assured, we don’t want to do to you what was done to us.

The journey continues …

I love you!