15 Years …

I am awake, I am alive, and finally I know the answer – 15 years.

That’s what it took Mom – 15 years to finally be okay with you being gone. Fifteen years to not hate the commencement of this day. Fifteen years to be able to speak of this day without breaking down. Fifteen years to realize that all the best parts of you lived on. Fifteen years to realize you are still with me on every adventure, taking every step with me. Fifteen years to be filled with gratitude for every day we had together rather than grief over your passing.Fifteen years.

So on this day, the 15th anniversary of your passing, all I can say Mom is thank you – thank you for being the most honest person I ever knew for your honesty became my authenticity. Thank you for being hard-working for the trait has served me well. Thank you for loving your kids unconditionally as I do every single day with mine. Thank you for praying – out loud or silently for it taught me the power of gratitude. Thank you for making our home sanctuary and for teaching me how to do same. Thank you for loving Dad with everything you had for that love is eternal and thank you most for being my role model, my friend, my confidant, my cheerleader, my coach, and my Mom.

I pray the sun shines all the time where you are now Mom and I pray you and Dad dance every single day. Rest well knowing … your daughter does.




In memory of Alma Lorraine Boucher

November 30, 1927 – September 28, 2005