As This Very Important Week Begins …
I am awake, I am alive, and today it begins … a week of truth of the variety that may one day lead to reconciliation.
With September 30th fast approaching, the engagement continues as group after group listens, hoping to understand. And I am happy to assist for the past and present must be understood if ever we are to achieve a brighter future.
This week, we will speak of the children, not as a group but as individual spirts – taken. We honour them by speaking of them for they must not and cannot be forgotten, even if their memory makes some uncomfortable.
They are used to it after all, for their very existence has always made those who craved the land they stood on … uncomfortable.
The journey continues, with truth, for questioning it and denying it does not change it. The children knew the truth. Their families knew and know the truth. Their communities know the truth and slowly, finally Canada is beginning to know as well.
It is time, time to honour the children. It is time to remember what was done.
I love you!