Day 181 – Holay Chit!

I am awake, I am alive, and as I look around my home this morning, the only phrase that comes to mind is “Holay Chit!” LOL

Truth be told, the busier I am with business, the more disheveled my home becomes. Yesterday however, the work day morphed into a home improvement project, as my son hung the mini blinds in my office before helping me create my one-of-a-kind-just-for-me headboard, made from a speaker’s gift I loved from the second it was gifted to me.

Now with the work projects complete, I am left staring at the things that were piled on my desk to get them out of the way of his work in the bay window. I see tools to be put away and dishes to be done that never received the attention they deserve.

I smile to myself as I realize all of this is mere proof that it is indeed Saturday.

So my journey continues in a more “domestic” lane today and that’s okay. It’s time. My home needs loving too.

Enjoy your day my friend, in whatever form it takes. Dust bunnies. be warned. I am a-comin’!


