My Recent “In” Day …

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am still reveling in the gloriousness of my recent “in” day.

You see, as an inspirational speaker, I am forever conscious of what I put “out” on a steady, regular basis. I want what I share to be inspirational. I want it to assist you to believe in you and your future. I want what I share to help you make better decisions, to help you THINK OF YOU and your needs, and I want my messaging to encourage you to honour those needs.

But I’m giving out, regulary and constantly, and like everyone else who does that, those that give and give and give … eventually you realize you’re running on empty and you need to take things in.

And that’s where you better be careful! We live in a time of social media and gawd knows what on tv. And what we take in, unless we consciously choose it, could actually hurt us. It could be incredibly negative. It could feel like a weight instead of fuel.

But as mentioned, recently, I had the most amazing “in” day. I took in recordings of meetings I couldn’t attend. Because they were recorded, I could stop to take notes, to ponder sharings, to truly accept what was shared even though I was absent. I put in a whole lot more energy than I would normally do just attending a meeting and it was good, real good.

I watched a heartwarming movie, one I have been dying to see, yet had no time to enjoy until I decided to. And I completed a short course that I had really wanted to take but again, hadn’t found the time to get to.

In other words, I took in all the things I wanted to and nothing that I didn’t want to. I took in fuel, not rhetoric, or judgement, or scathing criticism and it was amazing and something I definitely have to do more often.

So the question is, what will you take in today, my friend? And as a result, what are you going to put out?

I love you!