Day 177 – My Crime
I am awake, I am alive and … I am guilty. No doubt about it. And I can’t help but wonder if you are too.
You see, I am blessed with some pretty amazing people in my world. I watch them on social media. I celebrate their achievements (often silently, in my mind). I message on their birthday and of course, I am happy to take their call if ever they need my assistance with something or vice versa, if it is their gifts I need on a given project.
But that’s it and that my friend, is a crime.
The thought behind this post centres on one such human, an amazing man I have known for years. Always friendly, loving even, but him and I have both been so busy with our lives that it never even occurred to me that I should spend more time.
Creator knew better. My son needed assistance from me. It would take time and guidance over several weeks. So our journey together began, spending more time together than we have ever before or at least since he left home.
This morning, with a huge smile, I proclaim that my son is funny, intelligent, compassionate, wise and a blast to hang out with. We have laughed, cried, shared frustrations and triumphs. We have “had to take a break” and we have even been hangry with each other a time or two but the journey continues and for that I am thankful.
My son is a treasure, so close I could touch but a gem I never took time to appreciate. Lesson received. Appreciate a gem today my friend, in any way you can for one day, that will no longer be an option.
I love you and yes, I appreciate you.
#success #successmindset #ibelieveinyou #celebrateandsurvive