
As many are enjoying (or anxiously awaiting) the signs of Spring, I cannot help but cherish the signs of reconciliation that pop up now and then in my world.

I wonder if you see them as well …

– The individual who calls out the (racist, homophobic, sexist, or other) comment although there is no person of the attacked group in the room. THAT is a sign.

– When an organization or business understand the value of creating “safe space” even when those in power have never known unsafe space. THAT is a sign.

– When a committee or group establishes diversity as a core element and builds it in front the get-go with equal power to each member. THAT is a sign.

– When no one in a group, organization, or business takes on the role of white saviour and each check the other if any inclination towards that mindset presents itself. THAT is a sign.

– When someone at an event or in a group, organization, or business passes the mic to those with lived experience rather than using their privilege to speak for us. THAT is a sign.

– When white fragility does not out amplify the voices and pain of those actually inflicted. THAT is a sign.

The journey continues …

Have you seen any examples of … reconciliation?

I love you for looking and planting and creating!