It is Done …

I am awake, I am alive, and today, well, today I am happy and excited and and and …

Because today, I finish. Today, it is done. Today, I complete the final videos for my first FULL LENGTH video training course. Fifteen modules. Fifteen videos. Fifteen exercises for participants to complete to reinforce the learning. Fifteen modules of LOVE and I am happy.

The end result – participants will feel they have my undivided attention while they take AS LONG AS THEY NEED to complete a module. Not like in-seminar where things are said once and exericises are time-limited for the sake of the agenda, this mode allows for each participant to take an INDIVIDUAL journey at their own pace and the Kwe in me LOVES that!

So this is me saying, thank you Creator. Thank you for the courage to try something new. Thanks for the teachings that form the foundation of all my work. Thank you for the personality that allows me to add humour to the lessons along with wisdom. Thank you for the chance to reach even more with words of empowerment and support.

And thank YOU my friend, for being here every morning as I sip my coffee and start my day. You are my friend, my confidante, my companion, my purpose and I could not do what I do without first starting my day right here with you.

So let’s clink coffee mugs and start this new and amazing day! Our journey awaits!



#ibelieveinyou #celebrateandsurvive