A New Way …

I am awake, I am alive and I am giggling at the absolute uniqueness of this kinda day in my world, the kinda day that is probably routine in many others…

First off, I slept in … until 9:30. Okay truth be told, from 7:00-9:30, I played a rousing game of “convincing the cat that sleeping in is a viable option”. After a first hour of hardcore convincing, she is now once again asleep, totally missing why we should now get up.

Then … I put on jammie pants. I know, I know. You are thinking, “So what?” EXCEPT yesterday I bought my first ever adult pair of jammie pants. Yes, I am quite stoked!

And the icing on the cake, today does NOT involve working or planning or reflecting or negotiating or meeting. Today involves laundry with a heavy dose of Netflix thrown in for fun.

I am beginning to think THIS is the kinda weekend people have spoken of for years. The experiment in jammie pants continues …

Have a great one my friend!

I love you!

#ibelieveinyou #celebrateandsurvive