Zoom Zoom Zoom!!
I am awake, I am alive, and this morning my journey through this brave new Covid-world continues as I facilitate my first ever FULL DAY ZOOM SEMINAR.
And I am excited. Once again, this will be a day filled with interaction. Together we will learn. Together we will share. Together we will laugh even if it is via computer monitor.
There will be no hugging, no feel of human touch but in this time, I would rather keep those I love safe then hug so Zoom it is.
And honestly, I don’t miss the drive there or home after (even if it would be local). I won’t miss the “hoping I remembered to bring everything” (even though my assistant ALWAYS makes sure I do). I won’t miss … home because I will be right here, combining both my loves.
So this is me, smiling at my successful pivot. With business booming once again, I can now sigh and say “Wow! I did it!”. Now that my needs have been met, I can once again ensure all my time and energy is put into ensuring I meet the needs of my participants once again and that makes me smile from the soul.
We can’t go back, my friend. There is no do-over but like any period of time we can learn from isolation, from increased awareness of germ transmission, from this time of concern for the health of others.
Personally, I think it’s kinda nice to be reminded to care for others. So on that note, please stay safe my friend, stay well. Be happy, find things to do that fill your soul. Keep your distance. Wear your mask but never, ever forget to LIVE!