Boys Will NOT Be Boys …
I am awake, I am alive and this morning I am thinking “No, boys will not be boys” …
Because boys are and will always be who we raise them to be, who we guide them to be, who we show them to be. I think of this each time I have to deal with a racist, sexist, or homophobic adult male. Someone TAUGHT HIM THAT … sad.
And girls will be who we raise them to be, who we guide them to be, who we show them to be. I think of that each time I meet one without the will to raise her head, when I meet one scared to have an opinion or conversely, the one filled with so much rage that she wants to shove her opinion down your throat. Someone taught her that … sad.
My Mom use to say, “With every word, with every deed, with every action or non-action you are an example. You get to choose of what.”
Today, please join me my friend. Today let us be who Creator created us to be, not who the world sculpted us into. Today let us discard the words of the haters and the critics. Let’s dare to prove them wrong.
Men/women, let us be kind and strong. Let us be compassionate and determined. Let us care as if we have never been hurt. Let us love every one of Creator’s creations – man, animal, bird, the crawlers, the plants, the air, the water.
Let us be a different example.
It’s a choice my friend, a choice not to be defined by another mere human. To choose to be defined in light and love as the miracle you were on the day you were born, the miracle you still are.
Make the choice. Please. Start today.