Remembering the Good …

I am awake, I am alive, and as I sip coffee and savour a lazy morning, I cannot help but reflect on the week, month, and year just passed.

So much has changed – from the certainty of earned success to taken out at the knees to a plan to stand again to standing once again, almost shocked, wondering if all that really happened.

But it did, it absolutely did and like every other time I have found a way to stand after a fall or a push or a disappointment, I am left strangely more secure simply because once again, I did stand.

So to those still down, plan for your rise. For those uncertain if you can, accept that is part of the journey (just don’t let it stop you). And for those firmly on top, remember a great view does not make you immune to yet another fall.

Yes, this is me thankful for coffee, my life and lazy Saturday mornings because in my world, a journey should be savoured as often as you can. God knows we replay the bad times more often then we should. Today my friend, join me in reliving and remembering the good.



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