Prepared (Ancestor Style!)
I am awake, I am alive, and this week is off and RUNNING with an action-packed day ahead … but that’s okay. I prepared and that’s where my thoughts are this morning.
Visioning, planning – all of this has been part of Anishinabe culture since the beginning. We didn’t write up lengthy annual and multi-year strategic plans but we did prepare for an upcoming hunt or impending winter. We learned from our four-legged brothers and sisters and we learned well. Modern day brings with it absolutely no reason to change that winning recipe.
So, last night, in the style of my ancestors, I prepared. I rested, ensuring that this morning I am ready to help Oshki-Wenjack with their planning. Then, once that is done, I am off to again assist my son as he prepares to level up to a new skill level. All of this is simply my journey continuing and I am thrilled that my journey includes helping others to prepare.
So my friend, are you ready for this day, week, season? Are you rested, awake, alive, and ready? If not, learn from this day and perhaps take the time, so that tomorrow you WILL be ready.
#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #celebrateandsurvive #repairingfeathers