Those Who Come Next …


I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling as the realization that I LOVE Wednesday mornings settles comfortably into my bones.

“Why?” you may ask.

The answer is simple enough. I teach on Wednesday mornings, an 8:30 a.m. class with the future’s promise – a group of articulate, compassionate, strong young women and men, many Indigenous, who are committed to learning more about Indigenous Women: Issues and Advocacy.

In other words, each Wednesday morning I dedicate 3 hours to passing on wisdom to the next generation and that works for me. These mornings honour my teachings as much as dancing in or feasting my jingle dress, as much as going to ceremony, as much as using my language as much as possible.

To me, this is resilience. This is resurgence. This is taking care of who comes next this. This is our way.

So this is me, preparing the videos we will discuss and the names we are about to draw from a hat. Anything to ensure our time together honours the wisdom these students carry while honouring mine as well.

I smile again as I realize … Wednesday mornings are how life should be on way more days of the week.


Enjoy your day my friend, and if you can, please do. Please inspire, support, encourage, guide, uplift or applaud one of those who come next. They have enough critics and teachers. What they need are way more people who believe in who they are, just the way they are.

Remember – when a flower doesn’t bloom, we check the environment. We don’t condemn the flower.



#ibelieveinyou #celebrateandsurvive