Day 51 – Agents of Change

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am giggling at the realization that I am both exhausted and recharged. Such is the life of a change-agent I suppose.

To add context, I am exhausted after delivering a full-day Zoom session yesterday. The session was on Indigenous Customer Service but it included a journey from the past, through the present, to the desired future of changed behaivour. It was emotional for all involved but it was impactful and therefore so worth it.

And I am recharged from the exact same session, I always am when a group of non-Indigenous gather with interest and honest questions, when non-Indigneous are willing to not only listen but FEEL, when non-Indigenous begin to wake and want to begin their own journey to understanding. COMPLETELY recharging!

So today, I smile in appreciation of participants and teachers, of opportunities and the challenges that created them, of work completed and work yet to be done … next week, after I rest.

And you my friend, how are you changing the world today? You can, you know. An encouraging word, a reasurring smile, believing in someone when they do not believe in themselves – all of those have immense power. I know because they fueled me forward, until I found myself … here.

Thank you for the fuel.
Thank you for doing your part.

I love you!

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