Day 27 – A Creature of Habit

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am giggling at just how much of a “creature of habit I am”, a point proven by the fact that my now 4-month old kitten has “figured out my moves”.

He decides when I wake up (hard to sleep through a pounce on the head and a lick of my nose) but as soon as I sit up, the game begins.

First he races to the bathroom and sits to patiently wait for me (or play in the tub, dependent on his mood). Then he races ahead of me to the coffee pot, then to his food dish, then to my desk to begin the day.

It appears I am quite predicatable and that is okay, especially in a world that has become anything but.

So today my friend, take notice of all the little routines and “normals” that make sense in and of your world. Everything from when you make your bed (if you do) to how and when you eat your meals.

Notice the routines with the power to make abnormal seem somehow normal and then, gave thanks for them like I did. After all, in the midst of insanity, the same breakfast cereal day in and day out can seem oh so comforting.

I love you!

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