Day Nine – Needs Yes, Wants No
I am awake, I am alive, as I sit here sipping coffee, imagining how the new world will be as each of us embraces the true definitions of “want” and “need”.
This thought process was spawned on Day Seven, a day which required the cutting down of my acrylic nails, an accessory I have worn near continuously for more than 20 years. A minor thing to most (no doubt) but a true “change” for me. Nevertheless, as I contemplated my new reality, I came to realize that an industry centered on “touching hands” does not spark security for me, even as I know they are no doubt experts in the field of disinfecting. In the end, those nails were not a “need” so they are gone now, before they broke off on their own.
This morning, with shorter nails and an increased typing speed, I ponder what other changes may become the standard in this new world. Longer hair styles, for example, as men and women are cut off from the magicians that coiffed their hair. Natural colour hair may also come in vogue (as I debate the future of my own waves). Home cooking will make a return and I pray with it comes the return of Dad’s and Mom’s teaching kids how to cut and peel and dice and saute.
I like that image.
The contemplation continues as I debate the popularity of workout apps that use nothing more than body weight and the likelihood of us all becoming writers, bloggers, or podcasters now as isolation starves our need to interact.
I have no crystal ball but I know my personal world has been much scarier than this at times. It is those women and children I now pray for – those imprisoned with their abusers, those now sharing intimate space with their bullies, those who sit and watch as escape routes disappear with each given day. “GET OUT NOW” is my prayer and hope and cry. Find an alternative. Now. Please.
Yes, the world it is a-changing. I wonder what my blog post will say on Day 68.
The journey continues ….
Stay safe my friend.
I love you!