I am awake, I am alive, and … not gonna like, I’m a little tired.
You see, I now know, without a doubt, just how much furball misses me when I am gone. Last night, a seemingly endless cycle of Furball waking up somewhere in the condo, panicking, meowing loudly to find me, me waking to tell her I am right here (or to shut up, honestly, depending on how many times this had happened already), to her returning to sleep.
A reminder that long hours away from home are just as hard on family as it is on us. Duly noted.
Today is Day One of my self-imposed isolation. Contact limited until my next event on the 27th and that is only if that does not end up cancelling. Like so many, I am rethinking contact, thinking of what contact I feel safe to maintain (virtually nil) and what is too high risk for my comfort level (virtually all human contact).
And if you are wondering why the concern …
Be safe everyone. Dismissing this as “just another flu” is so grossly misleading. THIS is so incredibly different.
Me? I’m going to enjoy my Sunday, at home, with furball. Church services can be found online for those interested in that sorta stuff. Me? Smudge bowl is ready.
Be safe my friend. Enjoy this Sunday and while you are at it, consider praying for those now gone, and those missing loved ones because of this virus.
But REMEMBER, the power as ALWAYS is with us. If we refuse to spread it, refuse to allow it to get to us, it can’t spread! Please … think twice. Please be careful.