Day Ninety-Three – So Many Situations!


I am awake, I am alive, and I can honestly say that this morning my thoughts were of you my friend and whatever situation you find yourself in.

Yes, this morning, in those first few moments of conscious thought, I found myself wondering are you working? Are you working at home? Are you waiting to go back to work? Are you a full-time caregiver? What is your situation?

And I would honestly love to know so please, let me know. I would love to get a glimpse of the lives of those so generous with their time each day, those that read these posts and comment from the heart.

So my friend, are you …

1) Not working/looking for work
2) Waiting to be called back to work
3) Working from home (normal routine)
4) Working from home thanks to pandemic
5) Home with kids (single parent with kids)
6) Home with hubby and kids (neither parent working outside the home)
7) Home with hubby and kids but hubby is working outside home
8) Essential worker/Working outside the home
9) Essential worker in medical profession
10) Retired
11) Student
12) Comfortable in current situation
13) Cannot WAIT until we can move freely again
14) Just thankful to be healthy.

How many apply to you?

I am smiling now, just waiting to hear from my friends because …

