
I am awake, I am alive and today … it matters not.

It matters not what I was going to say, what I thought I would write about when I first woke. All that matters is 160 more children found.

In light of yet another find, I ask each and every one of you to be patient and compassionate with your Indigenous colleagues, friends and yes, with you if you are of that bloodline. This is not the time to ask the elders “What they think of this?” Rather this is the time to ask them what they need – to be alone, to have someone sit with them in silence, to have someone holding space so they can cry, assistance with the flashbacks and nightmares these finds trigger for so many …

As Canada’s history is shared, widely for the first time, the Indigenous are no longer the only ones who know the truth of what was done to us. Sadly, that sharing does not yet lessen the pain.

Thinking of the children today as I deliver a presentation, fittingly entitled “Honouring our Gifts – Our Children & Ourselves”.

I love you!