Day 109 – Celebrating Wednesday


I am awake, I am alive and today is … Wednesday.

As always, today I will work on achieving my dreams and ways to amplify BIPOC voices. But today, I will especially enjoy this sanctuary I have built, four walls that protect me from the guests that honestly think there is something to celebrate today.

Because if you do celebrate “Canada Day” today, know this. In my opinion, you are NOT an ally. How could you be when this day celebrates the colonization and cultural genocide of my ancestors and those of so many others? If you celebrate today, you are celebrating that you have fresh clean drinking water while the descendants of the home owners do not. If you celebrate today, you are exercising your privilege, a privilege that allows you to “forget”, to “not think of such things”. In other words, you are exercising the very willful blindness that claims the lives of so many. Some no doubt, today.

Today I will celebrate but I will celebrate as I do every day. I will celebrate another day gifted to me by Creator, a day that comes with the responsibility to make a difference. Today I will celebrate the resilience of the indigenous people who must endure this day’s insanity, the insanity of the oppressor as they celebrate what a great job they did at oppressing us, a task they still perform routinely and regularly.

Today I am here and I have much to be proud of while Canada so does not. But nevertheless, I pray you enjoy this Wednesday, my friend. Use earplugs if need be. Anything to drown out the guests partying on our sacred land, the very land they are hellbent to destroy along with us, a destruction that begins and ends with the denial of what they have done and continue to do.

But we see, don’t we? We see them. We know. And no, we won’t shut up and disappear. Not even today. Because today is yet another day we can choose not to stand with those who refuse to see. Today is yet another day we can dare to be different in a world hellbent to assimilate us into sameness and acceptance.

Not today my friend, not today.

Food for thought …


I love you my friend. Enjoy this Wednesday.
