Day 33 – With and Without

I am awake, I am alive, and today I cannot HELP but say THANK YOU CREATOR for the internet and technology and access and all the privileges I enjoy … because this morning it means I can teach my class from the warmth and comfort of my home rather than heading out into the bitter cold.

Which of course makes me think of those without such luxuries and privileges (as privilege is apt to do for me). This morning I am thinking of the men and women and children without food, without shelter, forced to face bitterness in so many forms and I pray that they will be okay.

And as my mind continues on this path, I next think of those braving the bitter cold to help those previously named – the health care workers, the SOS workers, the social workers and the like. Thank you for helping those most vulnerable in this and so many situations. I pray for you too.

So on this day, like so many others, I acknowledge and give thanks for just how fortunate I am, rather than complaining (like so many) over what I don’t have or can’t do. Today, like always, complaining just seems so horribly disrespectful to those who only wish they were as fortunate so I will pray instead.

The journey continues …


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