Life Lessons …


I am awake, I am alive, and this morning my mind is filled with “life lessons”, things that I have learned along this 55-year long journey …Love often. Love as often as you can for the more you love, the more you live a life filled with love.

Let the idiot in your past pay for his mistakes, not the next guy/woman who comes along.

Accept that nothing in your life is permanent, and that some things/people may be gone before you want them to be, so love the stuffing out of them now.

Choose happy, every time.

You are WAY stronger than you think you are! (Don’t believe me? Look back at all the chit you went through and SURVIVED. Yeah, I thought so).

Everyone has a story and no one’s journey has been easy.

Don’t ever make love conditional on tomorrow. Love them today if you love them. (I still celebrate some amazing “first dates” no matter how the relationship ended.)

Don’t let others decide who you are, how you behave, or what you can say. Instead, you decide but just make sure you do.

Shut off auto-pilot.

And last but definitely not least … if you NEVER want to be late rising ever again, get a cat. Feed it first thing in the morning at whatever time you want to get up for the rest of your life. Make this a habit then trust that the cat WILL wake you. (It will. Trust me.)

I love you my friend so here’s to healing. Here’s to loving. Here’s to laughing. Here’s to setting the pain down but consciously choosing to carry the joy forever! (I do believe I just figured out why my Mom laughed and smiled so much and that my friend, SO works for me!)

Here’s to YOU!



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