Traveling …


I am awake, I am alive, but this morning I am smiling for today my journey continues …

With sensible shoes and a near empty backpack, I set out on this journey. Only a few treasured mementos are inside that bag – my Mother’s rosary, my Father’s picture, something from each of my children. The other’s who have loved me, taught me, scorned me, or ignored me – I carry them too but only the lesson part, as wisdom. The rest I have discarded as unnecessary baggage that would only slow my progress.

I am rested, observant, ready for all that Creator sends. I will watch for the meme that resonates, the email or call that hints of where I should go next, the friend that stops by and most of all … the new person Creator has sent for me to meet. I will listen. I will learn, picking up every tidbit of knowledge, every puzzle piece, every key, every tool he provides today, for such is the way of the wise traveler.

With each step, I will attempt to leave things as I found them, undisturbed, undamaged so as to be enjoyed by the next traveler and with each inch, I will give thanks for this day, this chapter, this part of my journey.

Today may be surprising or comfortably routine. Today may bring challenges, blessings, or both. But whatever it brings, it is another day on my journey and in no way is that a bad thing for my journey has brought me far. I have traveled from victim to leader, from completely disempowered to one who teaches others to stand tall and proud. I have traveled from fear to joy, from uncertainty to confidence (and back a few times) but the view has been incredible every step of the way, even when I was too bruised to see it.

And now, here on Level 55, the view is incredible. I laugh at the antics of the younger Me, so impressed with her passion and drive. But now, like the feather, I am more focused, more fine-tuned, more narrow in my scope even if the posterior is a tad wider.

Yes, as I glance out on this day, I see that it is a good day to travel, to learn, to grow, to live. I do believe I will do just that.

Join me my friend. We have been gifted this day. Let’s enjoy every minute of it or better yet, every second. Let us treat each as if they were sacred for magically that is exactly what they become when we do.

You with me?

Say yes, please say yes.

