Day 11 – Give Me an Excuse
I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am smiling in pride at the path I am on …
New habits are becoming routine, leaving me excited for the results they will invoke. But my smile is as much for my current journey as it is for the realization that I am no longer on paths I used to follow.
No more crushing self-doubt.
No more blind faith in others.
No more fear.
No more trying to control what THEY do or say.
No more … unhappiness.
Nowadays, my future is created consciously with every step I take, every action I complete, every word I share for I have learned that this life is so much longer and so much more fulfilling if I take a second to notice each one.
Hmmmm that reminds me of a poem.
So today, my friend. Don’t just live this day, live this hour, this minute, this second. Notice the feel of the keys under your fingers. Savour the tea or coffee. Enjoy the purr or the bark or the “Mommy” or “Daddy” you hear. Enjoy the gifts. Enjoy every single one so that tonight you will refreshed and in awe of just how much this day delivered.
#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #celebratenandsurvive #repairingfeathers