Introduction & Intent

WELCOME to my blog … where things may seem a little strange at first.  But that’s okay.  Here you are safe.  Here you are free to learn at your own pace.  Here you are encouraged and supported as you move along your reconciliation journey so HAVE FUN WITH IT!

Okay, maybe not fun.  Reconciliation conversations are rarely fun BUT please enter these posts with an open mind.  Here you will hear things from an Indigenous perspective, possibly for the first time.  Here you will hear and feel the experiences of being an Indigenous woman in Canada.  And here you will be given practical advice and guidance.


My hope is that by reading these posts you will realize:
a) Indigenous people aren’t ALWAYS so different (as you relate to some of the posts)
b) that sometimes Indigenous people are VERY different (as I share how things look through my Indigenous lens)
c) that there is a LOT of work to do (as I highlight the challenges and barriers)
d) that you are needed (as I encourage you and offer you guidance).

These posts were written to provide a view into Indigenous experiences in Canada, exposure to an Indigenous worldview (and how we see the world), some Indigenous teachings (that are so sacred to us) and some very practical advice so that together, we can build an amazing bridge.

Maybe we can even call it “Canada”.

The journey begins here but please do not STAY here. Read these posts but continue your learning journey.  Consider another of my offerings or listen to yet another Indigenous voice.  You can never learn too much.

I love you!