How to Treat Us (Indigenous)

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am downright excited simply because “I know what I need to do” (as my Dad mentioned in a dream only a few days ago).

Today, the excitement of working with my videographer (a new experience for me). Together, we will kick up the quality of videos sent out weekly to my list while simultaneously freeing up TONS of time for me to do even more for those who wish to learn.

Like the people I met last night, the people who gathered to learn how to create “safe spaces”. My Anishinaabe heart LOVES that non-Indigenous want to learn how to create safe spaces for us and for all BIPOC. Those places are sanctuaries, rest stops if you will, escapes for us from the daggers still thrown in far too many places.

And then, we flipped the coin, and discussed how non-Indigenous need safe places too, places where they can ask their questions (even if they are unsure of the proper words), places where they can learn, places where they can come to understand just how much they do not know about this country’s history or the Indigenous reality.

And last night, they learned.

Did it occur to me how ironic it is that an Indigenous woman was discussing how white people need safe spaces? Absolutely! As a Kwe who has experienced racial violence, I did have to stop and acknowledge how strange this seems, at least until I smiled and remembered my Mom’s words …

“Teach them how to treat you.”

Waiting for them to figure out what we need, waiting for them to stumble over literature or information is not conducive to our future, not in my mind anyways. And neither is doing to someone else, what was done to us. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

We, as Indigenous, are right here with the ability to teach them how we need and deserve to be treated. We can teach them through example. We can teach them by showing them how.

After all, the odds are so much better than waiting for them to try to figure it out themselves.

The journey continues …

I love you!