Greater Plans …


I am awake, I am alive, and honestly, this morning I had to take a moment to shed a few tears as the reality of my life overwhelmed my every cell.

To understand requires context, so here we go …

I was the straight-A student. I was the one who won the academic awards. I was the one that my Dad imagined would be Prime Minister one day. I was the one destined to be a lawyer or doctor one day (or so my teachers thought).

But they didn’t hear the hum that whispered “You will never fit in” and “They don’t want you”. They didn’t have the image of university that I had – the hallowed halls filled with rich, white people. I was neither rich nor white and all the encouragement and support in the world could not change that image.

I was destined for another path.

Soon I was married. Soon I was a Mom, rearing the two amazing children that this world needed. It seems my turn would come, even though the woman up to her neck in tantrums, diapers, and formula never thought it would.

Why the tears?

This morning an email from a first year MA student in the Social Justice program at Lakehead University. They have been watching my videos. They want me to speak at their conference. They feel my wisdom is needed.


So, this morning, I acknowledge and appreciate the path I was destined to take, one that would have me walking the halls of the very university that I envisioned so many years ago, not to learn but to guide those looking to hear an alternative view.

I smile at just how amazing Creator’s plan truly is.

So today my friend, trust, believe, envision. Know that your future could very well be SO MUCH MORE than you even dare dream. All you have to do is keep going, keep working, keep learning. All you have to do is give Creator enough time to help you.

Personally, in retrospect, I think his plan far superior to mine, for his included not only university halls but grand-babies.


Today, a seminar at Garden River. Today, yet another chance to make a difference.

I am ready Creator but first …. thank you.

I love you my friend.

