In Just One Day …


I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am once again amazed at how much can change in just one day …

Not gonna lie. Yesterday, I was struggling. I woke exhausted after a full night’s rest, unsure of where the tiredness I felt was coming from. As a result, I vowed to “be kind to me”, allowing myself the freedom to work at a slower pace in light of my less-than-rested state.

Bailing on work, however, was not an option! I had a podcast to record and hanging with someone like Crystal Hardy, someone who gets the struggle while simultaneously also fighting not to be swallowed up by it, is medicine to me. (And considering my level of exhaustion I knew I needed medicine, good medicine.)

The morning progressed. Crystal arrived and we laughed as again simultaneously we both knew we had to hit “record” within minutes of her arriving, such is our connection. (We didn’t want our listeners to miss any awesomeness that results from our banter.)

After intros and our standard disclaimer (we speak for only us, not all Kwe and not all Nish within city limits), we did our mental health check-in, asking each other how we were doing and what we have been up to since the last taping.

What results is amazing. Suffice to say, I walked away with a new awareness of a bad habit I had picked up somewhere along the way … and maybe you need to listen to know what that is!

I can tell you this – this morning I am armed not only with new insight but new wisdom as well. This morning I am rested. This morning I am ready. This morning I am grateful for great friends and good medicine.

Which brings me to YOU my dear friend! I pray you are SURROUNDED by such people. I pray medicine abounds for you, not in pill or liquid form, but rather in conversation and laughter and support from those who know and love you.

Because that is the kind of medicine that helps humans thrive!

And for more on what transpired yesterday, subscribe to our podcast wherever podcasts can be found. Just search “2Kwe in TBay” (or use the handy dandy link below). The trailer and first episode are already available and yesterday’s taping will be soon so stay tuned! Crystal and I are 2Kwe in Tbay, learning and growing and loving in spite of the city that so often breaks our hearts.

The journey continues!


I love you my friend!
