Day 5 … Adjusting My Sails

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning a very famous quote is dancing in my head, one that could truly be the “quote for 2020”.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the winds to change … it’s about learning how to adjust your sails.”

And in 2020, some did and some didn’t. Some pivoted, finding new inventive ways to stay in business, stay in touch with loved ones, and stay healthy while others didn’t. The others adamantly waited, insisting there was only ONE WAY they could do what they do … many who are still waiting for the winds to change with no end to the pandemic storm in sight.

This particular quote is alive in me this morning because upon waking, change was required! You see, my first few moments of every day usually entail feeding my furmate, pouring a coffee, and writing this blog post but while heading into the kitchen I saw the snow that had fallen overnight. Snow, that if not cleared, would become a small mountain when the plows go by, a mountain just big enough to prevent my vehicle from going anywhere.

Cat fed, coffee abandoned, snow shovel in hand, I rose to the challenge, thinking all the while that if this keeps up I am gonna look DANG FINE come my spring birthday!

So there you have it my friend, I AM here, awake and alive even if a little later than usual. Change was required but as always, I am up for a good change, especially one that leads to my success!


I love you, my friend! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #celebrateandsurvive #repairingfeathers