The Plan …

I am awake, I am alive, and so it begins – 2 weeks of lockdown, 2 weeks of “internal work”. Personally, I don’t believe it could have come at a better time considering one year is about to end and another will soon begin …

Questions will be asked – is what you are doing taking you to where you want to go? Are you proud of who you are and how you act and if not, how can you improve on that? Are you as healthy or as wealthy as you desire? If not, what can you do to change that and more, what are you WILLING to do to change that?

On and on and on it will go, and I for one am looking forward to the life plan that will result because like any other worthwhile project, my life deserves a well-laid plan.

And like any great plan, it will allow room for the unseen – the challenges we cannot yet predict, the blessings too beautiful to even imagine now. Further, the plan will have an internal locus of control, dependent on me and only me because as we all know, blaming others gets us nowhere.

Back in March, at the beginning of the first lockdown, I promised myself I would come out of it “Wiser (having read more), Stronger (having learned from past errors), Healthier (having shed some unhealthy weight) and Happier (as a result of my efforts and progress). This time round I do believe those goals still apply so here’s to wiser, stronger, healthier and happier.

And I wish same for you.

Stay safe everyone, in lockdown or not.



#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #celebrateandsurvive #repairingfeathers