To Ensure We Will All Be There …


I am awake, I am alive, as I acknowledge the ominousness that seems to hang over every movement I make and in every room I enter.

I recognize it for it was a near constant companion in the earliest of March lockdown days and it is right that it has returned. It is time, time for us to realize the second wave renders the first pale in comparison.

This wave we have lost elders, of many cultures and backgrounds. This wave we have seen numbers only feared back in the spring. It is time, time to lockdown as the popular Facebook meme reminds us “We stay away now so when we come back together, we will all be there”.

So this Christmas my friend, please stay home. Hug a teddy bear. Make a ridiculous number of voice calls to every loved one you can reach and have a meaningful heartwarming mental chat with those you can’t. Make favourite meals for yourself whenever possible and enjoy solo the movies you loved together. Bring their spirits into your home so their bodies won’t be missed quite so much.

In that way, when we come back together, we will all be there.

Stay safe my friend. I love you!


#ibelieveinyou #ibelieveinme #celebrateandsurvive #repairingfeathers