Day 164 – The Dawn of a New Day


I am awake, I am alive, and the journey continues …

I am happy to see some things never change, even in the midst of a pandemic! With August coming to an end, event requests are coming in. True most are virtual now but nevertheless, business is picking up after the summer as sure as the arrival of autumn and this Kwe is thrilled!

Which makes me think of you? What are the norms you hung onto my friend? Garden still producing? Flowers still blooming? Kids still bored? House still in disarray?

I truly believe there are some things we can count on – spring follows winter, day follows night, and life comes with joy and challenges. The choice, as always, is what we focus on and for me, life is all about the birth of spring, the dawn of a new day, and every joy that this life brings!

#celebrateandsurvive works and today, I have much to celebrate and I pray you can say same my friend.

Here’s to the dawn of a new day! Here’s hoping it is filled with familiar and joyous things!



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