Success is NOT a Surprise to the Successful …

I am awake, I am alive, as I acknowledge that my “prevention game” is much stronger these days …

Truth be told, in younger years, I was a master of “reacting”. Bills were dealt with after they arrived, life challenges after the occurrence. No planning, no forethought, a total complete leaf in the wind.

But these days, dreams are coming to fruition because planning is making them so. Changing habits while enlisting the help of an expert has resulted in solid plans, with timelines to success rather than frustration. And I like! I very much like!

On the home front, I am healthier than I have been in a long time (thanks to exercise and watching what I eat), a much preferred method when compared to adjusting after diagnosis.

And my business, more stable, sustainable and scaleable then ever before, thanks to some hard-learned Covid lockdown lessons.

Yes, like ancestors before me, I am now FINALLY preparing for the season before me. After all, even the chipmunks know enough to hide their nuts!

Have a great, happy, and healthy Sunday, my friend! But do yourself a favour – take some time this evening, to prepare for the week ahead.

I love you!