Day 146 – This is It!


I am awake, I am alive and this morning I smile as three little words ricochet around in my mind … This is it!

Today, the keys to the new place. Today the first of the items wil be taken to my new home and tonight, the last night in this condo. THIS is it!

But thinking/uttering the phrase has me smiling for other reasons as well. Namely, all the other times I have thought them …

Just before I walked on stage to graduate.

Just before I walked down the aisle.

Just before the contractions prevented thinking of any kind.

Just before I walked in to start a new job.

Just before my daughter and then my son said good bye, heading out to start their own independent and amazing lives.

Just before I got the keys to every amazing place I have called “home” and today, I get to say it again!

My happiness, I have discovered, depends on two key things. Celebrating every awesome thing that happens, no matter how small while also preparing to survive the not-so-awesome stuff.

Celebrate and survive, repeat. Repeat. Repeat

Today I celebrate many things and I pray you can say same my friend. Today and every day…



#sucess #successmindset #Ibelieveinyou #celebrateandsurvive