Living, Loving & Learning Life at a Kitchen Table …

I am awake, I am alive, and this morning I am thinking … of kitchen tables.

It is amazing just how many life-changing moments happened for me at a kitchen table.

– Homework was completed at one, setting me up for future grades/success.

– I learned of parental and familial love at one, watching as my parent’s supported each other, listening as one-by-one us children responded to the question, “How was your day?”

– Thanksgivings and Christmases and breakfasts and lunches were shared at one, along with jokes and stories, challenges and triumphs.

– A police officer said the words I didn’t want to hear at one, that my father was truly gone.

– I sat at one to tell my mother I had to leave, and how much I would miss her. A year later she would be gone.

At kitchen tables, I have cried, laughed, loved, and grown and yesterday, I began the process yet again, envisioning all that will join me at my kitchen table. Some may come daily, those seeking companionship or comradery. Others may come as needed, as I did, returning to my mother’s table when life proved to be too hard, too confusing or both.

Here is a recording of yesterday’s convo, the only one that will ever be shared for the best part of the kitchen table chats in my mind is the safety, the knowing that what is shared there is heard only by those who come to sit, as it should be.

Enjoy your day my friend and, if at all possible, spend some time at a kitchen table. You won’t regret it.

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I love you!

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